Recalibrate You

Hey, Beautiful!

Are you ready to go from spiraling in your head to listening and accessing your deepest inner wisdom?

Are you ready to go from feeling isolated and alone in your decisions to KNOWING you’re tapping into the parts of yourself that will never leave you?

Are you ready to not let the past or future run the show and learn how to stay present in your day-to-day life?

Does this all sound amazing but you’re not sure where to start and can’t fully commit to months of work with a one-on-one coach?

It’s my pleasure to offer you a program that gives you all of the above without asking you to commit beyond your means.

Introducing — Recalibrate You

Recalibrate You will leave you with:

A deep sense of connection to yourself.

A true understanding of what you need as a woman and how to begin providing yourself with that amazing nourishment.

A new relationship with your body and intuition for faster decision making.

A means to unblock all the places you have stuck emotions.

Recalibrate You is for you if you are a woman who:

  • Is ready to move out of your frenetic monkey mind and into the calm of your body.

  • Is sick and tired of sabotaging your own joy.

  • Wants to tap back into the age old wisdom of your being.

  • Is ready to laugh more, love deeper, and feel pleasure in ways you never have before.

What’s included in Recalibrate You

  • 1:1 90-Minute Coaching Call

    One 90-minute one-on-one coaching and embodiment session. Together we’ll dive deep into what your internal needs and desires are and come up with a plan to integrate in the following weeks.

  • 2 Weeks of Text & Voice Support

    Have me in your back pocket to guide you through your integration process and ensure your results stay with you after our call. This accountability is vital in helping you stay on track and allows me to be there for you to quickly navigate any challenges that may pop up. Office hours M-F.

Your investment for all that is only $297


Receive a FREE 60-minute Reiki session with me during your two extra weeks of What’sApp support! Get BOTH the mental and emotional support of our coaching call and then the energetic and spiritual alignment with this hour long healing session.