

I’m Katie.

I’m so glad you’re here.

I am an embodiment guide and energy healer who helps women like you uncouple and untangle themselves from the shame, guilt, and limiting beliefs we women inherited and have had reenforced throughout our lives.

Before that though, I am a woman.

A woman, just like you, who has had to do the work of questioning what was mine, what was given to me, and what I created.

I can look back on my life and see how the endless anxiety, feelings of unsafety, and crushing self-judgment were actually not mine. That they were given to a little girl who was care free, proud of herself, and full of endless possibility.

Can you relate? I’m sure you can.

The journey from who I was to who I am now has been an arduous one. One filled with tears, broken relationships, and endless questions about what it is about me that needs to be fixed before I can enjoy a morning without doubting, hating, and questioning myself fifty times before my cup of matcha has been poured.

And yet now I know — there is and was nothing about me that needed to be “fixed.”

What needed to happen was for me to release all that was not mine. What was left was what you see before you and what I’ve fallen in love with.

My awkwardness.
My weird.
My body.
My love of Reiki, the moon, and the mystery of life.

And most powerfully,

My absolute love of being a woman.

Of being a woman in a world not designed for me to feel self love, support, and celebration.

Yet here I am. I love myself, am supported in all the ways I never thought possible, and celebrate my life as a woman through ritual, the healthiest partnership I’ve ever known, and my ever expanding sensual pleasure and confidence.

I am a woman and I’m here to help women fall back in love with themselves.

You won’t find me on Instagram dancing naked with a snake, nor telling you I’ve created a 7-figure business simply by lying in bed having endless orgasms. 

You’ll find me hiking the gorgeous trails of Colorado, making world class smoothies, and belly laughing with my partner.

You’ll find me where I desire to be, living a real life and embracing every aspect of it.

Certifications & Trainings: