It’s time to come home.

To your body.

Your mind.

Your spirit.

Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
Katie Sroka headshot

February 2022, I walked into Las Pirámides del Ka meditation center in Lake Atitlán, Guatemala, hoping to discover a deeper sense of who I am and what my purpose is on this Earth. I was not necessarily a lost soul, yet I knew there was something yearning to come alive inside of me.

I spent the next four weeks living in a tiny pyramid with a community of incredible humans searching for the same depth and spiritual growth. Yoga, meditation and the wildest of metaphysical classes made up my daily schedule. I immersed myself in the teachings as they blew my heart and soul wide open. I held on to every single word, completely enthralled, all the while still giving myself the space and grace to have my own beliefs.

To say I walked out of this experience a changed woman is a massive understatement. I was almost unrecognizable.

I left Guatemala a mature, confident, grounded, at-peace, calm, and present woman — the most powerful woman I’d ever been. A woman who knew exactly who she was. A woman ready to bring to life the mission she’d had all along - to guide women, just like you, back home to your body, to your softness, and to your strength.

What I have for you is the best of my lessons from Guatemala combined with my own heartfelt expressions and personal flair. I’m bringing all this to you with one deeply held intention — to help you connect to your heart, your soul, and yourself.


An 8 week guided reconnection to self using the 4 elements of

Earth, Water, Air, and Fire

Are you desiring to build a better and deeper relationship with YOU? This 8 week program is a time to get curious about you, maybe for the first time ever, and guides you inward to understand and love yourself by connecting back to the truth of who you are.

Do you feel lost after a break-up?

Do you desire to tap more into your feminine energy?

Are you feeling completely stuck on knowing what it is you want?

By the end of this program, you will feel full of joy, grounded, connected to your intuition, trusting your body, and in a deep relationship with yourself while LOVING celebrating yourself with every little win along the way.

“Since being in this Remembrance program, I am light years ahead of where I ever thought I’d be. This is the first time I have a relationship with myself.”

— K.C.

What happens when you rediscover your relationship to yourself?

  • You develop a love for what your body is capable of.

  • You no longer let your frenetic mind run the show and instead trust your body’s direction.

  • You connect to your feelings and emotions so you can openly express your needs and desires.

  • You open and deepen your intuition to find validation and approval from within.

  • You expand your self-awareness to gain a better understanding of who you are.

What’s included in

8 weekly one-on-one 60 minute calls

What’s your relationship to your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies? We’ll spend two weeks on each element to dive deep into what this looks like for you and how you can incorporate them into your life.

Text and voice support throughout our entire time together

Have me in your back pocket for any integration questions in-between our calls, a perspective shift, a place to be cheered on, and top-notch accountability.

Journal prompts for a deeper understanding of you

Take an internal dive into each element just for you. These questions help you get honest with yourself on where you are and where you want to be.

Guided meditations based on the 4 elements

We start the first call of each element with a visualization to guide you into what earth, water, air, and fire feels like in your body.

Non-Linear Movement Method® to smooth out the nervous system

The second call of each element ends with a 45 min. movement practice to guide you into awareness of your sensations, moving all the energy from the week.

Weekly Oracle card pulls

Oracle cards offer additional guidance, adding a bit of woo-woo mystery to the mix. Notice where these messages start to show up in your life.

“I had countless shifts in my energy and mindset, but most of all I found a level of trust in my body that is not able to be quantified, qualified, or understood. It just is, and it is the highest priority for me to continue in that relationship — my relationship to self, in body, mind, soul!!”

— B.S.

Your investment for all this

*Scholarships always available. Please reach out if you’re interested and need financial support.

BONUS for paid in full!!

Receive a 60 minute Reiki session during our time together.

Two month payment plan

Two payments of $648.50

Three month payment plan

Three payments of $432.50

Are you ready to see if this is a good fit for you?