Feminine embodiment for the everyday woman.

Imagine being able to feel your body and having access to all the wisdom she wants to gift you — this is feminine embodiment.

Your feeling, flowing, ever-changing states of emotions and sensations are the key to experience life and access yourself fully.

I’m here to show you how.


Are you stuck in your head all the time?

Always thinking.

Always doing.

Feel like life is a constant go-go-go with no rest?

This go-go-go energy (hyper-productivity) has been the default setting. We live in a shame-based feeling world. It’s no wonder we’ve become so disconnected from our bodies.

What if I told you it didn’t have to be this way?

Your emotions, chaos, and ever-changing flows are actually your superpower. We’ve just been conditioned otherwise.

As an embodiment guide and energy healer, I’m here to guide you back to the truth in your body, so you can easily quiet the monkey mind keeping you stuck.

I’m on a mission to guide you out of your head and return you home to your body so you can step into your power and trust your intuition.

How do you know you’re disconnected from your body?

For many reasons throughout your life such as big and little traumas, bullying, not getting your needs met as a child and many more, you have disconnected from the feelings and sensations in your body. When you’re disembodied, you may be:

  • Living life according to the expectations placed on you instead of following your heart’s desires

  • Allowing the circumstances around you to dictate who you are being and how you show up

  • Not knowing what you want or what you stand for so you continue to follow the crowd

  • Having a hard time making decisions so you stay in the same situation for years

  • Putting others needs before your own that leads to lack of self-trust and resentment

What can embodiment help with?

Technically you’re always embodied. Embodiment means to “inhabit a body.” It’s the only tool you have to feel. Yet humans are usually stuck in their heads searching for the logical reason of all things. Which isn’t bad, but I believe our true power lies within the ability to feel and listen to our bodies. Learning how to have a relationship with your body can help you:

  • Understand when you need to do less and rest more without feeling guilty about it

  • Stop apologizing and start standing in your truth which cultivates more trust

  • Trust the knowledge within with ease and grace so decision making comes easy

  • Step more fully into your natural power to bring your gifts into the world

  • Consistently show up for yourself, no matter what others opinions are

  • Stop braining and start feeling into what you truly desire to actually start living YOUR life

I believe the connection we have with ourselves is the most important. I’m here to guide you home to your truest self, so you can show up in the world fully embraced as the powerful being you are. Are you ready?